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Admission Process

1. Pick a program

  • Read through our available programs and select the one that best suits your needs and fits into your schedule.

2. Register and Make Payment:

  • Fill out the form and submit the required documents.

  • Make full payment of the first month with your registration form.

3. Placement Test

  • We will call you to arrange the time.

  • The test will help determine the level of each student.

  • The test will be done through Zoom.

4. Interview

(for parents and student)

  • When we call you for the placement test, we will also schedule the interview.

  • The interview is to determine how the school can best serve you.

  • We will meet with the parents and the student separately.

6. Start Class:

  • You will receive the schedule and all the instructions you need to start your classes.

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