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What is Taught in Middle School Life Science?

A middle school life science curriculum teaches students a number of important concepts pertaining to cells and heredity, the five kingdoms, human body systems, and ecology. Students will start the year by going over various principles crucial to any science study including scientific inquiry, hypotheses and analyzing data.

You can also expect your child to learn about the following:

Building blocks of life

Birds and mammals

Animal and plant cells

The immune system

Living things and the environment

Middle School Life Science Objectives

This year, student’s are expected to achieve various objectives in their life science curriculum. In order to do so, it’s important to find a comprehensive life science course that provides a variety of activity types to ensure students gain a thorough understanding of key concepts. By the end of the year, your child should be able to accomplish several learning objectives including:

Identify the components and structure of DNA

Compare and contrast animal and plant cells

Differentiate between learned and inherited behaviors

Differentiate between atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds

Describe factors that contribute to the extinction of a species

A life science course is typically the recommended course for sixth grade students. A life science curriculum aims to teach students about the diverse life forms found throughout the world. Students will explore human biology, animals, plants, and more.

An online life science course teaches students using video instruction led by experienced teachers. Through rich graphics, animations, interactive tools, and virtual labs students will be immersed in an engaging learning experience that inspires and motivates them to learn more.

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